Thursday, February 28, 2013

Success List for February 28, 2013

My success list for today:

  1. I listened to my intuition and attended a conference call that totally inspired me. I'm sure this guy has attended some of Peak Potentials workshops. He has the language and energy of that work. I really appreciated the refresher.
  2. I spontaneously posted online that I was going to give two 30 minute consultations away and someone took me up on it. The call is scheduled for tomorrow. I'm not sure why, but that post was seen by over 400 people!
  3. Everyone I spoke to today, I had a whole list of great things to share.
  4. I finished the work for the client project. It was a day late, but it was done with excellence.
  5. When I realized the conference call had not been recorded because of my error, I laughed.

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