Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Success List for February 27, 2013

Today, I found success through these:

  1. I allowed myself to work at the pace and intensity that felt healthy. I didn't push myself to meet the schedule I had created for the day.
  2. I found several creative options for resolving the technology challenge for my upcoming class.
  3. I made a great connection between Greg and Chris that hopefully will land work for Greg and a working solution for Chris.
  4. I allowed myself the pleasure of purchasing some new materials for my books.
  5. I was inspired by the beauty of the graphic design examples I found.
  6. I started to create a new graphic identity for the art business.
  7. I got the idea to send a follow up envelope with an assortment of goodies. Even the envelope will be one of the goodies.
  8. I took good care of my teeth.
  9. I found a dinner option out that was nutritious, filling, and within my food plan.

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