Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Lightened Load

After many days of working too much, and many weeks of toiling on the same document, I handed over the working draft this afternoon. I'm exhausted. I've wanted to sleep since about 3 pm, which was about 12 hours into my working day. I decided it would be best to stay up until 8 or so, and now, it seems that I've missed my window of sleep opportunity. It's HOURS past that time, and while I have a headache building and I'm exhausted, I can't find that sleep spot.

I'm glad that I've put together Kathleen and Bob, and I trust that Bob will have more work for me in the future. I did have a moment of being taken aback, I wouldn't call it panic, where I realized that Bob was determining how fully he could use her. I can't worry about such things. I'm glad I was able to solve both of their problems, and I trust that they will both return to me. Either that, or the universe in its abundance will provide me with a new friend and a new client. In the meantime, I've also gotten the kick in the butt that I need to incorporate my business and start taking on contractors when I have overflow work like this. I can afford to have a small margin and make a sliver of money off the hard work of other people, and continue to solve problems. I like the idea of this. Maybe this is the time to switch to the new company name. After 7 years as Crow, maybe its time to become Information Artisans.

Skooch was hilarious this afternoon, sneaking outside through the inserted screen in the window. I wonder how far he really got, and how long he was out there. I don't really mind him being outside, but I don't want to put him at the risk that Rattle faced (and lost). I want this guy to stick around with me for a long time, as long as he wants. I really enjoy my snuggle bug. He really helps me to keep my heart open, and is great company, although I could do without being bitten on the feet during the night.

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