Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Success Lists

December 13
1. I worked hard and long but stopped when I realized I was truly fading.
2. I spoke my truth with Ronaldo and shared my feelings.
3. I completed work for Pentimento and sent out an invoice right away.
4. I reached out to Casey and made sure she knows that I love her.
5. I added comments to the MMI questions on Facebook that show my motivation and character.

December 12
1. I figured out how to fix the headset microphone not working.
2. I acted quickly in the moment to resolve the technical problem with the webinar.
3. I didn't let the technical glitch stop me. When I got things resolved, I recorded the webinar without the audience.
4. I stayed up late and got up early to make sure I was ready for the webinar.
5. I prioritized keeping this list and got caught up.

December 11
1. I spoke my truth at the board meeting about helping people take their business to the next level.
2. I let Sylvia know how much I appreciate and respect her.
3. I found a great balance between all of my work, appointments, and taking care of myself.
4. I kept an open heart in my dealings with the board.

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