Weird Day -- End in Sight
The absolutely best part about having a weird day, or this case, a weird weekend, is that there is an end in sight. All I have to do is fall asleep and POOF! The weekend is over. And this camper will be happier to see it end.
Nothing horrible happened, just weird stuff. Being nearly stood up for dinner on Friday night was strange. My friend thought that she would just make an unscheduled stop without letting me know, leaving me standing at the restaurant for 45 minutes. The first 15 were my fault for arriving early, but the remaining minutes were definitely her fault. Grrrrrr. No apology, either. She didn't think she had done anything wrong.
I broke the mug that has been holding my toothbrush and paste in the bathroom for YEARS. I was trying to pick up, and somehow knocked it over. Of course, there was a chance it could have landed straight on the carpeted floor, and bounced, but nooooooooo..... it hit the edge of the counter and shattered. I still have some glass to pick up and need to run the vacuum in there, again.
I got behind this week for my client, and I was planning to work like crazy this weekend to get back on schedule. But their server was down, so no luck. I ended up not being able to work. I suppose there is a silver lining in that -- I had the weekend off, but since I didn't know up front I had it off, I was near the computer the whole weekend, checking about once an hour to see if it was back. It came back about 6 pm, and that was too late for me to start working. Oh well... tomorrow is Monday.
Skooch nearly strangled himself. He was sitting on the back of the futon, playing with the cords from the miniblinds, when he jumped through them, and somehow, they were wrapped around his neck. I'm just grateful that I was home and in the same room. His feet didn't reach the ground, and there were huge chunks of fur torn out by the time I got him free. He's ok, but he has been avoiding the futon ever since.
I'm not in a very good mood, either. It must be really bad if I am noticing it, because usually I always think I'm in a great mood until something happens. Nothing has happened, and I can tell I'm a bit cranky.
I really have a need to talk. I feel like I've got this backlog of things on my heart and mind, things that I just want to talk about. Nothing serious, I just feel backlogged and disconnected a bit. I'm imagining myself as a clogged toilet that just wants to spew! That image brought a weak laugh, more of a hummmmph.
The new episode of Sex and the City made me cry. I think that is what I love about that show, it touches me. Sometimes I laugh, and lots of times I cry. I've been thinking about the show and its writing a lot lately. The show seems totally unreal to me, in one sense. I can't imagine myself having three friends who are so different who do so much together. Maybe there are people like that, but it's not real life for my world. But what is totally believable is the commentary they make about issues and glimpses into their lives. While I don't believe that people have friends like that, I do believe the conversations represent real positions, real opinons, and real feelings about the issues. They cover each topic so well, I never find myself wanting to scream out a different opinion at the TV set, which is a good thing, especially for my neighbors. They already have the different opinions. And there is a level of honesty between them, mixed with enough friendship compassion that the friendships seem real to me.
I overheard a conversation Thursday night that I think would make the best first act of a movie. I'm thinking about mapping out some plot and characters to fill it out. Who knows... I may have just started my next screenplay, the one that gets sold and put into production. Wouldn't that be fabulous.
Speaking of fabulous, I just discovered the Cold Feet is playing on Bravo very early on Saturday mornings. Now, I've got the motivation to figure out how to record off of the digital cable, and to get everything set up, including buying some tapes. I've searched the Internet for a place to buy the DVDs for Region 1, but no such luck.
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