Amazing Dream Breakthrough
My sleep is really off these last few days, and my dreams have been rich. These things always seem to go together.
In the best of the dreams, I was in a body of water, like a swimming pool, but I was being told that this situation was symbolic of my life and interaction. In this water, I was thrashing around a bit. I was told to evaluate my situation, and I realized that I was expending a lot of energy and movement that was wasted -- it wasn't helping me to reach my goals or destination. So with that realization, I said "Let me try again," and I got out of the water. I let myself fall back into the water, but this time, on my back. And I relaxed. I didn't move around very much at all. There was this incredible sense of victory, the realization that I had learned the lesson I was being shown, and I felt proud of myself... proud that I had taken the initiative to try it again, and proud that I had figured out a better strategy.
In a later dream sequence, the one I woke up from, I was a visitor in an office building and I had been without breakfast and it was lunch time. My nephew had gotten me something I could fix to eat, and I was in the breakroom with a raw meat sandwich, standing by the microwave. I walked along the counter while my food was cooking, getting my plate and things ready. Only my lunch was taking way too long. It was only a later when someone else in the room pointed it out -- that I realized someone else had taken my food from the oven in order to fix their own. Mine was now smashed and sitting half cooked, half rancid, in another container along the counter. I was pissed. I could see whose lunch had replaced mine, and I started to punish this person by rubbing bits of my now rancid lunch into her clothes. She and her friends were doing their best to avoid me, and I was sort of chasing them, but I was moving in a sort of slow motion, so I had to be smarter than they were. I was doing things like elbowing them to give them bruises. As I walked through a break room area, there was a man who had only seen part of the action who was talking in a loud voice to his companion that she should avoid me at all costs because I was trouble. I went over to this man, and began bruising him while I was talking to him, telling him that his greatest sins were that he jumped to conclusions and he lacked discretion. While I was telling him that he should have been more quiet about his warnings, which were not true, I was pinching and elbowing him. He didn't respond to my attempts to hurt him.
Sleep Patterns
I seem to be back to my summer sleep pattern, up all night, sleep all morning. I am finding myself fighting against this, but really, as long as I don't miss any client meetings, is this a problem? Especially if I'm up by 11 each day, I will still have plenty of daytime hours to be around for daytime things. And it gives me until about dawn each morning to work. I do love working through the quiet of the night. Maybe this is a good thing, even if it is different from the rest of the world. I have the sense that I'm only fighting against this because of perceptions of other people, that I sleep late. Maybe I should just let go of that.
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