Monday, April 20, 2015

A Love Letter To My New Clients


For my entire adult life, I've been preparing to meet you.

Week in and year out, I've been learning things. Things about how to run a successful business. Things about how to use business technologies. And things about how to share what I know. I've reached the point in my career where I'm ready to turn from running hard to reach my own goals, and turn back to help others who are coming up behind me.

That's how we are going to meet.

You may not recognize me at first glance. You may have to hang out a bit to listen to me talk for a while, before you realize that we have been on a collision course to meet for some time. But it will happen. There will be a spark, a moment when you know that you've found a connection.

Or maybe you will recongize me right away. Maybe the first glimpse you get of my work will call out to you, like a spring of water in the desert.

Either way, I want you to know that my heart is waiting for you. I understand the challenges of working hard, being alone, and struggling to turn your dream into your daily reality. That's been my life, too. I don't know the specific details about you, but I know your story. Because I have the same story.

I've dreamt a big dream for my life.

My friends and family never hesitated to tell me that it was a foolish dream. They encouraged me to take the safe route, to stop my chasing after windmills, and do what everyone else has done. Forget your dream, they said. Life is hard enough without the heartbreak of following your heart, they said. You're too tender hearted and you need to face the hard realities of life, they said.

And at times I was tempted. I've trembled with fear when I expected to get bad news. I've been shaken to the core and lost my confidence in the face of setbacks. I've cried over lost opportunities, mistakes, and the frustration of moving so slowly. I've been racked with anger at people who seem to have it all, especially the things I want. I've flared green eyes of resentment at what they have and felt loathing fill my heart for them. I'm human.

But these were just short detours. I always came back around to believing in my dream, in the  good nature of people, and in the unconditional support of the entire universe to help me achieve my dreams. Not because I had proof that these things are true. But becuase that's how I'm wired. It's who I am to the core. I have bad days and I sometimes lose my way, but I always return back to myself. I always sit with wide-eyed wonder at the magnificence of the world and the journey of life I'm taking.

When I'm right with my own heart, I see the magic of life, the wonder of abundance around me, and the joy of small delights. I know that life is lived in the these small moments, like a string of pearls between the gemstones of life's milestone events. I do my best to breath in the goodness of  single moment of my life. To savor every bite of food. And let my eyes linger on the beauty that surrounds me.

And I always keep waiting here for you.

I've been expecting you. I have lots of ideas and resources ready to offer you. I've anticipated much of what you need from me. But I'm also open to hear your story, to listen to your true needs and desires, and deliver totally new things or make changes to anything I've already created. Nothing I've done is precious because I've made it. It only exists to help you, and with your stories, I can get laser clear about how to fine-tune them for you.

Because in the end, my heart is here to serve you. Everything I am, everything I've learned, and everything I've created has been in anticipation of serving you.

One of the greatest gifts I have for you is my respect for the journey. In my own life, I'm in love with my journey, and the mystery of how life unfolds its gifts to us and within us. I haven't always known how to show this respect, or appreciated the absolute central role it plays in my life. I still get off center from time to time. But as imperfectly as I embrace this value, never doubt that it's at the center of my heart, my life, and my message to you. It's how I live my life. It's at the heart of everything I do. Even when I don't execute it perfectly. And even when I'm tired and frustrated.

That doesn't mean that my goal is to make things easy for you. There will be times when my information provides a tough love truth that your soul collaborated with me to share. And much will be asked of you. Not by me, but by your own soul and your own life. I'm just the messenger. And I'm a good messenger because I, too, struggle with the same issues that you face. I'm a wounded healer. I'm sharing my own medicine with you, always administered with humility.

What really matters is your growth. You have dreams and goals, and those drive you forward. But behind them, what is really driving you is your soul seeking to express itself more fully in your heart and mind and body. It wants to fill you up with the very best of yourself. And that's what we are here to do together. We'll talk about your business and technology, but never forget that we are really meeting to help you reach the depths of your own soul.

I've put a light in the window for you. I've prepared things to welcome you, refresh you, and encourage you. And I'm prepared to create more after you arrive. In the menatime, I'm engaging my own life, listening to my own heart for guidance, and filling my hours reaching to the depths of my soul so I can be the best service vessel and the best messenger possible for you.

I'm so excited to meet you. I'm eager, but I'm patient because I trust that all things unfold in their own perfect timing along the journey of life.

Until we meet, I send my blessing out to you to encourage you along the road. May you hear my voice and catch a whiff of the freshness of my message in the wind.

With much love,

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