Monday, March 18, 2013

Success List for Sunday, March 17

  1. I completed a committment I made even though it was tough and even though I wanted to give up. I completed it with excellence. I'm proud of the work I did.
  2. I gave myself time to take care of myself today. Not perfectly, but mostly I listened to what I needed and did it. And I have a plan for doing more of this, getting more rest, over the next few days.
  3. I meditated and took care of my mouth today.
  4. I allowed myself the pleasure of listening to Brene Brown and really feeling what her words brought up for me. I realized that I've been allowing myself to be more vulnerable over the last few months and I felt proud of that.
  5. I've gained a new sense of committment to my journey tonight, and am setting my energy into motion to support it.
  6. I pulled weeds in the front yard.
  7. I caught myself when I started to get cranky with mom. I wasn't upset with her, and I'm glad I caught it.
  8. I loved petting and brushing the cat today.

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