Sunday, December 19, 2010


I'm feeling so many things tonight that I feel I need to type my journal entry. There's too much to say to hand write tonight.

For the last week, I've been feeling drafty or exposed in my life. Like I'm trying too hard to be heard or appreciated. Like the people I'm reaching out to don't want as much of me as I'm offering. It's such a subtle thing, but I trust my instinct. The primary person is someone I like, someone of high quality, someone I would like to have as a friend. But it feels like I want this more than she does. So I'm going to pull back by choice.

At the same time this is happening, I'm feeling a need to examine her and figure out why she isn't a good match for me. To find out what is wrong with her, or at least, wrong for me. I don't know if this is a smart thing, or something I'm doing out of self defense. I do feel at some level that this is a follower, someone who doesn't feel capable of having her own backbone, creating her own life and business. She wants to follow, to be part of the respected entourage of someone famous in the petri dish. While I understand this, it isn't a quality of a person I really want in my own inner circle. Especially because of the galaxy she has chosen. There is a real disconnect here. And yet, for the most part, I do know that she forms her own opinions and speaks her mind even in that geography. And good for her.

She's connected to another person that I had wanted in my life in a larger way. This other woman has limited her access with me very clearly. It's so funny... when we see each other, when we speak, she says that she wants to spend time with me. But when I initiate contact, she diffuses it. I realized with her a long time ago that her actions are not in sync with her words, and listened to her actions. These two women are connected, that's partly why this other woman is coming up for me now.

But really, I'm feeling the pattern. I'm feeling the other times I've felt this energy with people. I know I have a lot to say tonight, but I truly don't want to just vent about these uncomfortable feelings. I really want to move beyond this level of processing to reach a new point of clarity. But I'm willing to explore and see what is coming up, with the intention of releasing it and moving on.

I think I've almost always felt either that the people around me don't want so much of me, or that the hollowness around me is good because it is honest and there isn't really anyone who wants in. I wonder if this is a true understanding of this experience. I'm certainly open to a new way to see this, and to reach a new point of healing on this. Both of these are extremes related to feeling disconnected, one while surrounded by people, the other while being alone. That's certainly a theme of my life. And yet, it contains profound truth at the same time.

But what catches me here tonight is that this is about the duality of life, and I really want to transcend duality when possible. I know that transcending doesn't mean I won't still breathe in and out in this world of the illusion of separation and duality. But I can step into the space where I recognize duality and find the oneness solution point. I may not be able to live in that space, but I can make it a habit to return there when I find myself outside it.

Tonight, I also starting retreading the worst professional experience of my life, the worst points of the entire two year time I spent in that job. I know that tomorrow's event is triggering this memory in part, but it is also related to this feeling.

Perhaps this hermit life, this connection/separation lesson that I have come to believe is part of my life lesson, perhaps this is actually little more than a myth that I've taken on as a mantle, and that I can cast off just as easily. Perhaps I wrestle (that's too strong of a word) with this because I expect to wrestle with this.

I dozed on the couch tonight, and when I awoke, a PBS special was playing. It talked about how people are frustrated, how they feel beaten down because their business efforts and financial life during this economy are not what they expect. I found myself listening, and taking a strategy. I thought that if I could take this knowledge, this position that people are reaching, and accept that it is real, that I could find a way to transcend it. As I woke up, and as I observed this thinking, I was first disappointed with myself, and then, I felt enlightened. I was disappointed that I would allow other people's experience of their lives to limit what I believe is possible for my own life. That I would accept this assemblage point for myself. And then I realized that my strategy involved finding a way that I could feel good in the midst of this feeling bad. It was me trying to find alignment in the midst of misalignment. That's something I can celebrate. The entire strategy is flawed because it started out from frustration and lack of vision, but the fact that my entire being is oriented to finding alignment, a way to feel better and more powerful in my own life--that's something to appreciate and celebrate.

As I lay in bed reflecting on these many experiences around this theme, I realized that I had some things to process (hence the writing) and that the most helpful thing I can do tonight is to meditate. To clear my own mind, to find my alignment with my own dreams and aspirations, to gird my loins with my own vision and empower myself to launch fresh tomorrow. And every tomorrow that follows. That's true alignment, and the greatest path to my own empowerment.

People. Relationships. Space. Silence. Doing it my own way. Stubbornly, sometimes. Dreaming. Working hard. These are the themes of my experience so far. I suspect that I can just drop many of them and they will melt away like a mist around me. I feel that as I stand here this morning in the near solstice pre-dawn hours, that I'm reaching some deep core place inside me. That's I'm seeing what is essential with x-ray vision, and that I can step forward when I'm ready, when I feel compelled to step, into a fresh life, a fresh vision. Unencumbered with baggage. Strengthened with clarity and courage. Inspired by my own dreams of what is possible in my life.

I've been putting up with a lot of things in my daily life that I just don't like. I've gotten used to wrestling with them. I'm ready to step out of this cloak into the fresh new day that awaits me. That my soul longs for. That I've been dreaming about. The space around me begins to fill up with the things that are a match for me now. Now. Now. As the universe responds to who I feel I am. Who I choose to be in this instant.

I stand waiting, eyes closed, mists whirling around me in the darkness. Feeling goosebumps of anticipation. Waiting for the moment when that inner nudge says it is time to step into the magic of who I choose to be.

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