Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Make the Hard Choice

I'm feeling uncomfortable right now, and it's because I've been allowing myself to luxuriate in thoughts that I knew at the time were not in alignment with what I truly want. Why am I finding it hard to do the right thing, to make the right choice? All I can do is right now STOP and assess my situation. Do I feel good now? So let's do whatever it takes to feel good in the next minute. And the next. That's not so hard, is it?

There is something deep inside me that is struggling with this. This is a big issue, bigger than the current situation. I recognize this, and at the same time, I choose to make the right decision for this situation. It has felt like a harder choice to make because it is a larger issue, but I still decide what I do. Easy or hard, I choose to take the action that honors me.

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